Monday, June 02, 2008

The Merch

The perfect St. Catharines nightcap to a zombie-filled evening involves catching a band at the Merchant Ale House. On this particular mid-April evening, Joe Lapinski (founder of Palooka and Yummy Recordings, and the blurriest subject in these photos) et al. were on stage. This is approximately as good as St. Catharines gets.


Welland Zombies

As I was saying... last month I visited the set of Rudy Quazar's "Zombie Killah" video, and was promptly turned into a zombie myself. The shoot was the final project of the year for some Niagara College film students.

Here are a few outtakes; full set is on my flickr.


Sunday, June 01, 2008

Zombie Killah

Hmmm, just as I finally got around to updating my blog it seems my host has disappeared taking all my photos with it.

Oh well, perhaps it will be back one day, in any case you can waste 4 minutes of your life here watching my BIG SCREEN DEBUT as an extra in Rudy Quazar's Zombie Killah video. Thankfully you don't see too much of me, since I spent most of the time laughing.

Photos to follow in the next post, or you can just go here to see the flickr set.